

282 Uppsatser om Connect skćne - Sida 1 av 19

T-spÄr infÀstningssysten för takmonterade tillbehör

The project has been performed in collaboration with Thule Sweden AB, a global leader in developing safe, simple and elegant solutions for the transportation of various types of equipment. The company has developed a new T-track which is telescopically, they stand mount system to connect the roof box to the roof rack does not fit into this. Therefore, the company considered that it was necessary to have a new product that meets the requirements of the new roof rack. They wanted a new, smarter solution would be developed. The bulk of this essay has been to find a new concept to connect the roof box to the roof racks. The result is a saxkonstruktion that slides down the roof rack T-profile and protected out of a puck-like housing. The product is small, simple and elegant solution.

Mystery Shopping : En mÀtning av kvaliteten pÄ Connect Hotels

Det finns flera faktorer som avgör hur man som gÀst upplever kvaliteten vid ett hotellbesök, dÀrför Àr Mystery shopping en metod som företag kan anvÀnda sig utav för att förbÀttra sin organisation.Syftet med studien Àr att genom Mystery shopping undersöka helhetskvaliteten inom Connect hotels.Denna studie Àr byggd pÄ en empirisk undersökning, dÀr författarna fÄtt ett uppdrag av hotellkedjan Connect Hotels att agera som Mystery shoppers under en mÄnadsperiod. I denna uppsats redovisas hotellens urval, uppdrag och genomförandet, den dolda observationen samt etiken kring den empiriska studien.Resultatet i denna studie indikerar att Connect hotels har en ganska ojÀmn helhetskvalitet. Empirin har stÀlls mot FAMM ?modellen och detta visar en förÀndring av koncernens helhetskvalitet. Studien redovisar Àven konkreta förbÀttringsförslag till hela koncernen och de olika hotellen.I slutsatsen menar författarna att FAMM- modellen och en servicekvalitetsmodell borde integreras för att uppnÄ bÀsta möjliga utvÀrderingsresultat vid ett hotellbesök.Nyckelord: Servicekvalitet, FAMM, Hotell, Mystery shopping och GÀstnöjdhet.

Prefabricerade vÀggelement av hampabetong

Lime Hempcrete consists of lime, water and hemp and creates an insulating, sound-absorbing, lightweight and environmentally friendly material that can be used in wall, roof and floor structures (Bevan & Woolley 2008). This construction method is not yet developed in Sweden as there has been a ban on the cultivation of the hemp plant. This ban on the cultivation of hemp was removed in 2003, when the material got a boost. You can use it in many different ways and not just in the construction industry (Ahlsten, 2010).In this study we have investigated the possibility to produce prefabricated wall elements of LHC. We have also studied its mechanical properties and dehydration time.

FörÀldrars och gruppledares upplevelser av förÀldrastödsprogram

Studien syftade till att öka förstÄelsen för hur förÀldrar och gruppledare upplevde förÀldrastödsprogrammen Aktivt FörÀldraskap, Connect, COPE, KOMET och LedarskapstrÀning för tonÄrsförÀldrar samt om det fanns en skillnad mellan hur förÀldrarna uppskattade de olika programmen. I enkÀtstudien deltog 306 förÀldrar och svaren analyserades kvantitativt och kvalitativt med innehÄllsanalys. Connect utmÀrkte sig genom att vara uppskattat i mindre grad Àn övriga program. FörÀldrars beskrivningar av vad kursen betytt för dem tydde pÄ att kursen bidragit till att utveckla ett gott förÀldraskap. FörÀldrar hade positiva och negativa syn-punkter kring kursinnehÄll, kursupplÀgg och ramar.

Utgör GATS ett hot mot folkbiblioteket? En idé- och ideologianalys av den svenska debatten.

In 1995, the World Trade Organization WTO was established. Today WTO has nearly 150 member countries, accounting for over 97 percent of the world trade. WTO has a number of agreements and one of them is the General Agreement on Trade in Services GATS. GATS control the service sector, and the public library is a small part of this sector. The purpose of this study is to examine the Swedish debate about GATSs possibility to affect the public library.

Att skapa en anva?ndbar webbplats med ett kreativt utseende : En studie om hur man utformar en personlig webbplats som har bÄ?de anvÀ?ndbarhet och ett kreativt utseende

It becomes increasingly more difficult to stand out among the personal sites on the internet today and to become the one who actually gets remembered in the crowd. To be remembered, you need to have a useful website but also a creative appearance added to it.In this practical thesis I have focused on how a website should look like according to users and then added a creative look to the user-friendly website. The purpose of the study is to find out how to connect a useful website with a creative appearance. In order to do that, I first had to find out what users actually want. I used a survey in which I have asked questions about how a website should look like.

"Vill du röra pÄ dig fÄr du gÄ ut" : En studie om pedagogers syn pÄ barns stillasittande i skolans tidigare Är

This study aims to discover pedagogues perceptions of children?s sedentary behavior linked to the school and its activities. Questions that the study sought to answer was: What do pedagogues think of when they hear ?sedentary children?. How do the pedagogues look at their own and the schools responsibility? Advantages and disadvantages with sedentary behavior? Relationship between physical activity and sedentary behavior and the impact of environment connected to sedentary behavior? The study is qualitative and implemented through seven interviews with pedagogues in the schools earlier years.

SlÀpslangspridning av gödsel, kan det löna sig? :

I have chosen to work with drag hose system and try to find an alternative to spread manure with a usually tank system, see if you can make a profit and what advantage and disadvantage the system has. The purpose whith the project has been to try to make a system that can spread manure at better occasions than farmers do today and above everything make a financial addition. Today it is just a heavy work and takes a lot of time. I have counted on investment costs and carefully examined what equipment you need. I have not the technical details in my project, I have just tried to understand how it is to spread manure with drag hose system today. What is drag hose system? You put a hose in your manuretank, connect it to a pump that is driven by a traktor or stationary engine. You place a hose that reach the field were you are going to spread.

Uppgradering av stabilitetsberÀkningsprogrammet NYSTAB

This is a report founded on a project by Atlas Copco called NYSTAB.  The application Nystab is a calculation program that can calculate the stability of the rockdrill-rigs made by Atlas Copco. The original version of Nystab is stored in a database from 1997 and the code is made in an old version of Visual Basic. My assignment was to develop the application in to a newer programming environment and make it last better in the upcoming years. The software I decided to use to accomplish this project is C# .NET in Visual Studio and Microsoft Access 2010. All the code is written in C# with some insertions from ADO.NET which helped me to easier connect the code with the database.The coding part was split into two pieces; the first was to develop the application scale done with Windows Forms, the second was to write the code for calculations in the application.

FramgÄngsfaktorer i nystartade bioteknik- och IT-företag

Syftet Àr att analysera vilka variabler som pÄverkar performance positivt i nystartade BioMed och ITT-företag och i denna process Àven beskriva och jÀmföra hur dessa variabler ser ut i de tvÄ branschgrupperna och hur företagen har utvecklats. Vi har anvÀnt oss av en kvantitativ metod och har genom ett enkÀtutskick fÄtt empiriskt material frÄn 20 grundare av BioMed-företag och frÄn 30 grundare av ITT-företag. Slutsatserna Àr att i BioMed pÄverkas nystartade företags performance positivt av: grundarens Älder, arbetserfarenhet, branschkunskap, start-up-erfarenhet och ett heterogent nÀtverk. Nystartade ITT-företags performance pÄverkas positivt av : grundarens Älder, utbildningsnivÄ, arbetserfarenhet, branschkunskap, antalet grundare, initial kapitalmÀngd i företaget och att ha affÀrsÀnglar och riskkapitalbolag som kapitalkÀlla. Connects olika insatser fÄr generellt sett inte bra betyg av grundarna och dÀrmed drar vi slutsatsen att Connects betydelse för företagens performance inte Àr stor.

Är det en anka eller en kanin? - Fildelning som brott eller uppror, rĂ€tt eller fel

The purpose of this paper has been to explore how Swedish users of the file-sharing software Direct Connect perceive their own situation and the file-sharing phenomenon. In addition to ascertain what attitudes prevail in the file-sharing culture and what knowledge file-sharers have regarding the relevant Swedish legislation. The questions central to my area of interest were: - Why do file-sharers use the program Direct Connect? - What knowledge do file-sharers have of the relevant legislation in Sweden? - What attitudes prevail in the file-sharing culture? - Is file-sharing behaviour affected by an individuals experience and/or level of knowledge? I compared the results of my survey with earlier surveys done. In addition I compared categories within the file-sharing group such as gender, age, experience and level of knowledge to determine if there were any patterns within or differences between the groups.

Elanslutning av fartyg i hamn : en studie om förutsÀttningar och konsekvenser för Köpings och VÀsterÄs hamn

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the possibilities for shore side electricity in the ports of VÀsterÄs and Köping. A technical solution to connect the vessels to the local grid is suggested and the investigation is also aiming at an understanding of how the environment is affected by the use of shore side electricity. Furthermore, the costs of shore side electricity are considered.The maximum power demand of a vessel visiting the ports today is relatively small, but the ships visiting the ports in the future might have a larger power demand. The suggested dimension for the system is 5 MW and the result shows that the shore side electricity requires the power distribution to the ports to be expanded. The most useful solution in the ports is to connect the ships with 12 kV from a connection box in a pit at the quay.The investigation of the costs shows that it is cheaper for the ships to use electricity compared to the marine fuel.

Social fotboll : En kvalitativ undersökning för att kartlÀgga skillnader i hur svenska respektive engelska fotbollslag kommunicerar pÄ Facebook

Facebook is today a phenomenon that has connected the whole world. With millions of users this has become an attractive place for soccer clubs to connect with their fans. But in what ways are they using Facebook as a tool to connect with their fans?This essay aims to answer the question if it?s a difference in the way English and Swedish teams communicate with their fans on Facebook. The study was conducted with the use of telephone- and mail interviews.

STRESS med stora bokstÀver bland smÄ och stora mÀnniskor

This essay deals with the issue of children and stress, and the impact that stress can have on children. The purpose has been to explore how I, in my role as teacher, can prevent children from developing stress in preschool, and how I can prevent stress to develop inside of my own department. My essay is structured as follows: First, I describe my practical work with children. Then I analyze some research literature on stress, and finally I reflect over what I have described earlier and try to connect the practical with the theoretical.In the practical part of this essay I describe the various events that I have observed during my work in preschool, where I have seen how stress can affect both children and teachers. Then I describe how the increasing size of children?s groups can create stress because of the noisy environment of the department.

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